The King return
Door: stylie92
Commentaar van de schrijver:
Een christelijke songtekst op het nummer: Thunder Rising.
Categorie: Songteksten
Geschatte leestijd: ca. 2 minuten
I see in your eyes
that you are so tired.
The energy is gone
and you will fall down
to rest.
Your’e look to the heaven.
And you still hoping that the
King will come.
That his return will coming soon.
Untill that day we will still waiting.
Untill that day we will praise the King.
The King return
The King return
The King return
Come take your light and follow.
The heaven opens.
The Angels sing.
Take your light and follow the Great King.
The darkness sees his face
when He return.
He is afraid and he knows
that his game will lose.
He will not longer terror this world.
He is just a marionette in the hands of God.
Every eye will see the great King.
Every mouth will shout for His great name.
The King return
The King return
The King return
Come take your light and follow.
The heaven opens.
The Angels sing.
Take your light and follow the Great King.
He is the one only King.
He is the one how created me.
He is the one how broke the curse.
He will give us peace and victory.
Every day you must prepair.
Prepair for His return.
I cann’t wait to meet Him.
He died for me and I will live for Him
The King return
The King return
The King return
Come take your light and follow.
The heaven opens.
The Angels sing.
Take your light and follow the Great King.(2X)
Gepost op 29-05-2011 om 14:36 uur |
202 keer gelezen |
Alle verhalen van deze schrijver (stylie92)

Door: |
Gepost op 29-05-2011 Om 15:00 |
Door: Rapunzel |
He will come in glory
Gepost op 29-05-2011 Om 15:09 |
Yes He will. Untill that day I will believe in Him and live for Him. The one and only great King.
Gepost op 29-05-2011 Om 15:13 |
Door: |
Hopelijk na die dag des te meer, Stylie.
Gepost op 29-05-2011 Om 15:43 |
Inderdaad. Het enige wat jammer is is dat ik nog geen instrumentale versie van dit nummer heb kunnen vinden, en zelf niet goed genoeg kan zingen. Anders kon ik een mp3tje plaatsen
Gepost op 29-05-2011 Om 15:59 |
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