Crying It's a gift
Door: Levanda
Commentaar van de schrijver:
You ever feel that bad that you wish to cry, but you can't? Because the tears are there, but they are hiding? I did, after listing to 'How to save a life'. I replayed it, again and again. But the tears did not come.
Categorie: Gedichten
Geschatte leestijd: ca. 1 minuten
I can imagine them
Running down my cheeks
I can nearly feel them
Cold and wet
Leaving a sticky trail
From the corner of my eye
I can nearly taste the salt
When their trails end
On my lips
I can nearly hear my own sobs
Awful and raw
I nearly gasp for breath
I want to cry
But I can not
Gepost op 09-05-2011 om 15:23 uur |
96 keer gelezen |
Alle verhalen in deze serie (Crying) Alle verhalen van deze schrijver (Levanda)

Door: |
Beautifuly written. Your poem I mean.
Heard the song too. I can imagine your feelings. How do like this one:
This is a song about someone who chooses not to cry.
Gepost op 09-05-2011 Om 15:58 |
Thank you, schrijver. I appriciate it that you take time to leave a commend=)
It is a very beautiful song. Another song about someone who does not want to show her tears is Behind these hazel eyes, by Kelly Clarkson. I can connect more to this song, because it is not specificly about a girl with a broken heart.
Gepost op 09-05-2011 Om 16:27 |
Door: EsQuizzy |
Auke-Willem heeft hier eens een bijzonder indringend lied over geschreven en uitgevoerd met de formatie Just A.S.K.: "I Wish I Could Cry".
Misschien wil hij de MP3 wel plaatsen, het past goed bij wat jij hier schrijft, Levanda.

Gepost op 09-05-2011 Om 19:58 |
Dat zou ik fijn vinden=)
Gepost op 09-05-2011 Om 21:54 |
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